It’s March!  I can hardly keep up with time!  LOL!

Our moving truck has still not arrived, and my office is still not set up!  Ugh!  I continue to get many opportunities to practice all of the stress reduction techniques I know.  This entire experience has certainly given me a large dose of patient endurance and learning to find contentment with what I can do and not focus on what is out of my control.  It’s been a process, but one that has refined my character and brought much growth into my life, so I am grateful.

To jump start my business locally and remotely I am offering a new service.

For $25 you can receive a nutritional stress disturbance scan.  I will need a picture of your face and an audio clip of your voice stating your name, birthdate, and the vowels “A-E-I-O-U” repeated slow and steady for 30 seconds.  I will use my Genius Insight software using Voice Spectral analysis Four Fourier to go through several programs and find the top items that could support balance and improve quality of life.

I am very excited about this powerful way to uplevel health and vitality!  No one person needs the same thing as another.  This individualized scan reveals where each person’s imbalances are and what is helpful for them specifically. 

This is something I have been using personally for quite some time.  In doing this I discovered that one of the reason’s I wasn’t utilizing all the vitamin D I was taking was because I was so low in glutathione.  Once I supported healthy glutathione levels my Vitamin D levels improved, and I feel so much better!

If you want to add this as a playlist this can also be done. Simply state that you want this when you upload your voice from your app.  If you want this as an addition to your playlist, just let me know.  This is a $25 add on fee.

Tell anyone you think could benefit from this and receive a nutritional stress disturbance scan for free once they have their scan done.  An app is not necessary for this scan.

Thank you to all who wrote such amazing reviews!  I appreciate it immensely.  There is always time to write a testimonial/review.  Just go here: Submit A Testimonial – Really Live Wellness Biofeedback

Tip of the month:  Just choose one thing you can do and keep doing it.

Deep thought of the month:  Is what you are currently thinking true?  IF not, why think it?

Homework for the month:  Do one thing that brings you joy daily.

Life is an adventure! Really live it!

Nikkoly Stanley
Really Live Wellness
Receive Release Relax
Savannah, TN